Tuesday, December 28, 2010

kalau perempuan tak menyudal, lelaki tak mengenyam

ok first, aku tulis pos ni memamg aku sumpah marah ni .aku tak paham lah kenapa dengan sorang minah yg tak puas2 sgt hati dia dengan aku , eh jap aku nk refresh,setahu aku aku takda pun tegur dia,ckp pun tak x pernah kan.so ape lah masalah bentina sundal ni .ok mari aku ceita kan kesundalan dia ni. act dia ni ex dia , so aku peduli apa? aku harap kau bace post aku ni .
ok dulu masa2 first2 couple ckp .

  • i tak boleh makan kat kedai mamak (konon2 bajet spoil brat lah )
  • i tak makan kat food court2 ni ,kalau korang nk tahu dia ckp food court KLCC pun koto .ceh 
  • dia tak naik moto ,konon2 bajet nanti lari market murahan dia tu.
  • geli tempat2 kotor.
  • tak naik train ,bus semua ni .
ok ni lah konon2 fussy sgt sgt minah ni , and then baru aku tahu .lepas kau break ngn dia kau hentam plak roti canai kat mamak , kau mkn plak kat food court busuk depan kolej tu .
and kau naik pun moto ,berenti tu jauh2 je .aik nape cik kak malu ke ??bahahahahahhaha
aku ni tak pernah belajar nk benci org tp kau yg ajar aku benci kau betina sundalllllllll.semua org tahu aku tak mcm ni aku tak pernah nk malu kan org tp kau mmg dah lebih2 .
 ok sebenarnye mcm ni, ade aku gado ngn akim hari tu,so ingt mcm tak boleh nk go on lah , so tukar lah relationship status, pastu si celaka ni buat2 concern plak , eii tlg lahh semua org tahu kau ade hati kat dia lagi kan ?? lepas tu boleh plakk sundal ni g mintak number fon akim kat kwn baik akim,merangka kawan baik aku jugak,ei ape jenis perempuan kau ni ?mmg dasar sundal. lepas tu nk heboh2 kat semua org yg konon nye dia nk kau balik, ish aku dah tak boleh tahan lah ,kalau ikot kan hati aku ni , aku nk hentam muka sundal ni ,

p/s : pada yg tak suka aku tak heran , jangan bace angkat lah kaki n sila lah berlalu pergi jauh2 shu shu shu ..
jadi lah diri sendiri, takda sape pun yg perfect , so deal with it each of us ade kelebihan n kekurangan.ok bye .salam.renung2kan .

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Gemok - COMEL

kenapa org selalu suka org kurus yg peluk rasa tulang tu. ada sesiapa yg boleh bagi tahu sikit ?
sebenarya menjadi gemok bukan lah satu crime ye anak2,ianya dasar cara hidup kita yg berza , iaitu sihat atau pun kurang sihat .
tapi ramai sebenarnye tak tahu kelebihan org gemok .
ok jom kita tengok ,

  • gemok tu comel tau -ramai yg tak nampak sebab kebanyakkan org yg gemok tu mmg comel
  • cute bulat dan gebu - sebab kalau kita gemok kita banyak isi tau :)
  • org gemok susah kalau nk di kidnap - mesto korang tak perasan kan ?tp betol mengikut kajian manade org culik org gemok ?
  • org gemok tak payah gune pelampung tau sebab dia mmg siap2 dah ade pelampung

dah  lah malas nk ckp lagi tiba rasa mls je .ahahha , ingt jgn ingt org gemok tak best tau 

cube tgk ni 

betol tak ape yg aku ckp ?ish cute kan 

Friday, December 24, 2010


macam lawak je nak tulis post ni ,tp i think this is myfavourite sebab tajuk ni or name gelaran ni lah kawan2 aku sibuk bagi kat aku.bkn sebab aku  mcm FAZURA tu  dlm pisau cukur . it is just i love gold colour baby .
and hakim pulak mmg the best semua di nk cr colour gold ,

seperti di bawah ..
ini dia blackberry kesayangan i , name dia sunny.;)

ni dia jam keasayangan ku , so betol kan ape org tua2 dulu2 ckp , masa itu EMAS ya anak2 ;)

and ok , akim gave me this mase anniversarry aku ngn dia ,best kan

nak tulis banyak lagi tapi kang lalu plak nk tgk dah brg2 gold yg aku ada ;P tp i love gold like so much, colour dia tu buat aku stim .

in a relationship

. issue paling besar bile in a relationship is ; In a relationship" does not mean "I don't hang out with my friends anymore" haa ni aa sebabye, kalau dh ad gf/bf sume dh ta bole bwat. sume dh mcm sial kne kurung. boringgg -__- tuh baru couple, kalau kawin cmane lh keadaanye kn? haihh okay perhatikan ap yg berubah kalau in a relationship,

  • yang ta pndai masak , tetibe hobi baru ialah memasak
  • yg pemalas tahap gaban automatik jadi rajin na mampos -_- *hipokrit gile
  •  dulu nangis skang gelak , bile break nangis menonggeng nonggeng
  • bangge na tnjuk bf/gf kat kwn kwn , dh kecewe kang sume na kutuk .
  •  credit phone laju je habis. 2min lepas baru je topup , 5min later habis. batak na call setiap 10min , 
  • stiap saturday pegi tgk movie , dating dating
  • kawan kawan mula hilang dr pndangan mata / dilupakan
  • duit pn pokai , blanje sane blanje sini


nyum2 :)

ok ok well , kalau korang nk kenal ngn aku , aku ni jenis i would die for food baby . hahahah aku mmg suka sgt sgt makan ,akim pun sama tapi sekarang suka sangat makan KENNY ROGERS yg tak sedap lagi pukimak itu ,ish.. tp ni lah yang aku wish for my new year dinner, antara ABG RAMAS2 ni ke ABG JUMAAT ni . best nye , mari kita tgk makanan yg buat aku stim sgt sgt ni .... ahhhhhhhh ;)


ok ni ABG JUMAAT PUNYE mcm best tapi hmm ;(

so the moral of the stories jangan salah kan mak kalau anak GEMOK ,

seberapa SUNDAL kah anda ?

act , the main point aku tulis ni sebab aku geram sgt dengan perempuan ni , yea aku tahu aku pun tak perfect its just ade sikt rasa mcm tak puas hati lah ,

 ok perkara yg mengannoyingkan aku tgk kat minah ni :

  1. suka sangat nk sibuk pasal bf aku , eh apahal kau ni ,mcm takda laki lain je , yeks. g cermin muka kau tu .
  2. ok semua friend aku kt fb kau nk add kau ni stalker ke babi, yea aku tak marah tp ni almost semua .ish sundal ni desperate nk name fb dia konon2 full kot .
  3. aku tak kutuk org pki tudung tp kau ni perempuan ckp je lebih , takda sapelah tgk kau lah ape lah ,jangan ckp je ,ok tell me ,kau pakai tudung tp kt fb kau bukak tudung .so ape beza ?jangan nk ktuk org je 
  4. kau takpayah nk berlagak cari ng lah pastu kau kutuk2 aku kt kwn2 kampung busuk kau tu , 
semua org same bukannye kau sorang je yg bagus,org lain pun ade kelebihan dan kekuarangan masing2 so except it jangan nk menjaja crita org pulak ish !

*to dear friends beware of this fucking pathetic sundal, once kau terima dia jadi kawan kau tgk lah dia kan stalke kau mcm babi lapar .

maknenye saya ni :)


You Are Smart and Curious

You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.
You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.
People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.
You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.
A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.
And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.
You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience.
You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along.
But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge


merry chirstmass yaw.. to all my dearest friend , have a jolly chrismass ;)

greatest gift ;)

ini budak comel is mine ok baby! its mine . hahahahahha (ketaawa kejam) name dia TENGKU HAKIM TENGKU AIDI , dia mmg comel n baik sgt sgt . he complete my life , dulu2 masa first2 sem kiterog kwn je , sbb dulu hakim ni dia ade gf , pki tudung yaw !! ahahha, ade aku kesah , oh well no .
kita kwn2 n rapat the trus couple , ceh malu kan rase kwn2 pastu couple , tp seriously he is all i want , kalau takda kwn dia lah org yg paling setia skali ngn aku , i bet no one can love me like he does , hakim the best and you know it baby .always. akim ni best sgt sgt caring , ok mcm ni lah *perempuan2 sundal2 luar sane ready lah nk dgr ni . akim ni baik comel,suka bagi perfume suka holiday and tak pernah kedekutt ..kalau korang kenal mesti korang suka ,ahh, sweet kam ;P
ok hakim and i dah dekat 1year n 3 month tp ramai yg tak caye , heheheh .and i love u hakim , i love you so much .

*PADA HAKIM i tahu u akan bace pos ni , so cepat senyum senyum sampai nampak gigi . heheh and trust me akim kalau kau pilih sundal lain , aku berani bet sundal tu tak best mcm aku . hik hik hik hik


hari ni aku bangun lambat kan sebab takda kelas so mcm rilex lah sikit , tp ade sedar pg2 td angin sepoi2 bahasa je , ish aku dengar plak lagu bon bon -pitbull ingt mimpi , rupa2 nye mama yg call . ok ni lah dua beranak ni borak kan :

mama :eja kau dah bangun belum ?

aku :belum ma , kenapa ?

mama : eja kau tahu tak harga bawang naik lagi .

aku :(dengan suara buat2 terkejut ) yeke ma ?bila naik ? so mak dah beli ?

mama :takde lah saje nk ckp tu , ok bye .

bayangkan lah mak aku call aku pg2 semata2 nk ckp harga baang naik rm 5 , ish tak patot betol lah .kacau beauty sleep saye :)so the moral of the stories jangan bagi ibu2 awak bace surat kabar pg2 , trust me bila ade benda hot2 mesti dia call semata2 nk ckp mcm tu

happy ke ?

ahahahha , tajuk mcm sial je , btw ni my first time , nk tulis2 blog ni , mak aih teruja gila .just nk ckp aku happy ngn life aku skrng i have the supportive family m and the one who love me the most . study nk dekat habis dah so cepat2 nk prepair nk keja , mcm tak sabar je , nak kereta nk rumah sendiri nak g vacation tiap2 bulan ngn my mum , ;)
hehe maybe u guys tak tahu , im very close to my mum , ape je akan jadi hari2 aku akan bagitahu mak aku ,kdg2 kalau kt kolej tu ade mase2 free mseti call , gossip2 seperti hari ni ..
ahahah . aku happy sgt sgt . ;)

its me

ok let me tell u guys my self , hey im kartica , and people call me eja, im 19 and im pround to be fat hahahah , i have a simple life aku anak ke 2 dari 3 org adik beradik :) aku ade loving mother and useless father , hahah no lie , he is . hahahah , and im also hakim's girlfriend .currently studying at klmu ;)ok think that is enough ;0

first time

hik hik hik tgk semua org ade blog so pun gatal2 teringin nk ade blog sendiri .
hmm mcm best jugak kan , so i think theres a lot thing that i wanna share , sbb aku rasa kan facebook ni banyak sangat org yg busybody . kan kan kan ??semua org nk ada fb , even imam rumah aku pun ade , ish annoying betol . eh ok enough for the first post .